Michelle Cappetto is currently licensed as an LPCC-S & IMFT-S in the state of Ohio however she is not providing diagnosis or treatment of mental health or emotional disorders through Michelle Cappetto, LLC. Michelle is a mandated reporter in the state of Ohio and is legally obligated to reported if you have an active plan to harm yourself, a child, the elderly, or those with a mental or physical disability or if someone else has an active plan or intent to harm you or one of the above listed groups. Michelle Cappetto is acting as a professional coach, not a mental health care provider. All information through this website, social media, & services are for educational and informational purposes only. Information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental or physical conditions. She also does not provide religious, legal, or financial advice. Michelle's services are not a substitute for professional medical treatment. Always consult with a licensed health care professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment, or care. Never disregard medical advice or delay treatment. Michelle does not guarantee any specific outcomes from using services with Michelle Cappetto, LLC.,use all information & services at your own risk & liability.